5th Grade Exhibition: Topics Related to Water
5th Grade Exhibition studies water as part of their culminating project.
The Fifth Grade Exhibition is a significant event in a student's journey through the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and is a culmination of their learning experiences. With a focus this year on topics related to water, in honor of this month's World Water Day, the Exhibition provides an opportunity for students to refine and apply their academic skills (particularly research and communication). Students learn the importance of taking ownership of their learning and applying their knowledge to improving a real-world issue with their "action steps" which they will be presenting, along with their research findings. Our students welcome their fellow students of all grade levels as well as parents and guests. By sharing their knowledge, practical steps to take action, and commitment to environmental stewardship, these 5th graders demonstrate our St. Luke Learning Expectations: "Inquiring Minds, Hands for Service, Hearts for Jesus!