Handbooks & Policies
The St. Luke School handbooks contain important information for our families and students. Below are the policies most referenced in the handbook for your review.
- Assessments - PYP/MYP
- Attendance Policy
- Cell Phone Policy
- Discipline Policy
- Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying Policy
- Parent Volunteer Hours
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Uniform Policy
- Visitor Policy
Assessments - PYP/MYP
Communicating Progress:
St. Luke School teachers use a variety of methods and types of assessments to monitor and ensure student learning. Students are assessed informally through observing, listening, asking questions, discussion, and requiring written responses to ensure the students understand a concept or skill.
Students are also assessed through formal assessments, which include, but are not limited to, portfolios, written tests, oral tests, summative performance tasks, and projects.
Student achievement is communicated with students and families via an online platform called Toddle. Toddle is an online platform created for IB schools that helps with unit planning and teacher collaboration, has an online student journal, and helps monitor, document, measure, and report on student learning. Progress reports are sent home to parents 3 - 6 times a year and report cards are sent home three times a year.
Students in grades K through 8th take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) standardized tests. The data the school collects from these tests and classroom assessments is then disaggregated and is used to help inform instruction and curriculum.
Toddle is a password-protected platform only used by the St. Luke learning community, and pictures will be used as a needed avenue for assessing understanding, setting goals, and showing growth.
Visit our Assessments page under the Academics tab, for more detailed information.
Assessment Policy
Attendance Policy
St. Luke School hours are from 8:30am to 3:00pm, except Tuesdays for early dismissal at 2:00pm. Students must attend school regularly and be punctual. Absences are recorded by the homeroom teacher each day. We a student is absent from school, parents must verify the absence by contacting both the school office and student's teacher before 8:45am. If a student is absent more than 10 days in a trimester, a parent conference will occur and an attendance contract will be established. If a student is absent 30 days or more in a school year, this will be grounds for retention, which will be handled by the principal in consultation with the student's teacher(s).
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phones (or any other device that accesses the internet or receives/allows phone calls)
Students are not to use cell phones at school unless approved by the teacher or administration. The cell phone is to be kept completely off and in the student’s backpack. Students who abuse the cell phone rule will have their phones confiscated and returned at the discretion of the principal.
1. Any cell phone use without the permission of a teacher or administrator, including text messaging, during the school day, including after school and at Extended Care is prohibited.
2. The use of cell phones and/or cameras to take pictures in restrooms, classrooms, playground, and other school/parish facilities at any time is prohibited.
3. Any cell phone use, including text messaging, or use of cameras during a test shall be considered and treated as cheating.
4. No harassment or threatening of individuals via cell phones is permitted.
5. Cell phones may not be used for playing games, accessing the Internet or email, gambling, or making purchases of any kind.
6. If a parent needs to contact a student during the school day, such communication shall be through the school’s office.
Electronic Devices
The use of electronic communication devices during normal school hours is prohibited unless permission is given from a teacher or administrator. The use of any technology-oriented device in school must have an educational focus and purpose. If a particular electronic communication device is to be used for educational purposes (i.e. Chromebooks, or iPad), the school administration and/or teacher will provide parameters for its use. The school retains the right to confiscate these devices if they interfere with the learning environment. The use of the camera features on any electronic or communication device to take unauthorized pictures and/or videos at any time is prohibited.
Discipline Policy
St. Luke School is committed to the development of Christian community in which all members, adults and children, are encouraged and supported in their growth toward fullness in the person of Christ. In an effort to make this growth a reality, the faculty and staff are dedicated to building an atmosphere conducive to this Christian development. At times, this requires positive encouragement and building of self-esteem. At other times, it demands assisting an individual or group to redirect their energies towards growth.
Purpose of discipline at St. Luke School:
- To provide an environment of Christian community, wherein growth and development of the person is made possible, stimulated, and encouraged.
- To provide an opportunity for the student to practice Christian ideals and attitudes.
- To assist students in the development of self-discipline, courtesy, and respect.
- To provide an atmosphere conductive to learning, wherein no one student or group of students deprives others of their right to learn.
- To promote respect and care within the student for himself/herself, for others in the school, and for members of society.
Appropriate behavior is defined as following three basic rules:
- We respect self and others.
- We respect and care for school and personal property.
- We observe playground boundaries, lunchroom, library, and school safety rules.
Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying Policy
St. Luke School, as part of the greater Catholic Archdiocese, is committed to a positive and productive community environment free of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. It is the explicit policy of St. Luke School to prohibit harassment, bullying, or intimidation whether committed by a student, staff member, volunteer, and/or parents/guardians. St. Luke School will promptly respond to allegations of harassment and bullying and take each allegation seriously. St. Luke School will review and investigate such matters in a professional and timely manner.
Parent Volunteer Hours
As part of the tuition contract, each family is responsible for completing, recording, and tracking their service hours during the school year. The annual commitment requirement for P3 families is 5 hours. The annual commitment requirement for P4 families is 10 hours. The annual commitment requirement for K-8 families is 30 hours. Failure to fulfill the annual commitment hour requirement will result in an assessment charge of $15.00 per hour due May 31st each year.
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Following is the language in the Parent Portal from the Student Acceptable Use Consent Form. This form is required to be reviewed with your student each school year.
I understand that access to the school's technology resources is not private and that the school will monitor my activity on any technology resources, including but not limited to the computer system, e-mail, and files.
I have read and discussed with my parent/guardian the expectations for technology use at St. Luke School, and I agree to abide by these provisions. I understand that violating these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of system access. I also understand that any actions taken through the school network that violate the school disciplinary code will be handled in accordance with the code and that appropriate legal authorities may be contacted if there is any suspicion of illegal activity.
MYP students will be assigned a Chromebook for their use. These Chromebooks are the responsibility of the assigned student. They are responsible for handling the computer appropriately and ensuring that it is put away in the appropriate cart and plugged in to charge before they leave school each day. Students should only use their assigned Chromebook unless directed otherwise by a teacher. Students will be responsible for repairing or replacing the Chromebook if it is damaged.
Uniform Policy
St. Luke School maintains a strong tradition of school uniforms that reflect school pride, modesty, and appropriate regard for personal appearance. Every student is expected to be in uniform every day. Failure to cooperate with the uniform policy will result in uniform infractions.
Student Uniform Rules:
- Students will be in uniforms that fit properly and are neat and clean.
- Students will be in uniforms that are in good repair.
- Uniform shirts and blouses must be worn under the school sweatshirt, sweater, or vest and are to be tucked into their pants or skirts.
- T-shirts worn under the uniform shirt or blouse must be plain white.
- No sweatshirts, large shirts, sweaters, jackets (other than uniform logo wear) will be worn during school time.
- All hats are to be taken off as students enter the building.
- Students are not allowed to write on any part of their bodies, as this creates a distraction in the classroom.
- All students shall have a uniform sweater, vest, or sweatshirt and will wear "full uniform" on designated days. Students will always wear full dress uniforms for Mass days, picture days, and other special events. "Full uniform" means uniform sweater, vest or sweatshirt (not athletic) as part of the uniform.
*Three uniform infractions means a loss of a non-uniform "free dress" day.
Visitor Policy
All classroom visitors first must sign in and be cleared at the office. This enables the school to keep track of who is in the building and is a safety measure. Adults are asked to wear a visitor lanyard from the office as immediate identification to staff and students that this person has a valid reason to be in the building.
Parents are asked not to go to the classrooms to deliver things to the students. These items are to be left in the office and will be delivered to the students. Please respect our students’ need for uninterrupted learning time.
All visitors will enter the building through the main doors at the front entrance of the school, after buzzing and being let in by a staff member. School doors are always locked and students/staff are encouraged to keep these doors closed at all times and not to open them to anyone.