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Parents Club

Parents Club is the voice for parents and guardians of students at St. Luke School. Everyone with a child at the school is a member! Our organization is led by an Executive Board who represent the General Membership and function as a governing body in matters of Club business. They are directly responsible to the Principal and Pastor.

​The purpose of Parents Club is captured in the bylaws this way:

  • ​Facilitate communication between home and school
  • Provide service and financial support to the school

  • Promote a sense of community

  • Provide support and appreciation for teachers, school staff, families and students


Primarily, we are a bridge between parents and the school. We convey parents’ questions and perspectives about what is happening at school to the administration and provide information that helps parents support their children’s comprehensive growth towards Catholic Christian leadership.

In the past, we have sponsored a wide range of activities in the school. We are a dynamic organization, and these activities change from time to time and over the years. Likewise, our contributions to tangible items also change. In recent years we have been able to support the installation of new playground equipment, the purchase of dozens of math games, a giant playground chess set and the renovation of our staff lounge. 


First, we have one of the best groups of parents a school could ask for: parents who are thoughtfully engaged, unbelievably generous, and eager to share their time and talents through a wide range of volunteer opportunities.  Second, we historically collect membership dues and fundraise. Our main fundraiser is the St. Luke-A-Thon in the fall.

Families are responsible for a certain amount of volunteer hours at the school or parish (P3: 5 Hours, P4: 10 Hours, and K-8: 30 Hours) and $100 in RaiseRight fundraising. Sometimes families decide to buy out the fundraising or volunteer hour commitment. Go to the Volunteers tab on the website to sign up and get involved today! If that happens to be your family this year, you can make your check payable to St. Luke Parents Club. Though Parents Club funds are separate from money raised for the Annual Fund and the St. Luke Auction, Parents Club endorses parents to actively participate in these opportunities to support the school, too. We like to hear from you, and we need to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments, please contact St. Luke Parents Club at

PARENTS Club Leadership Team 2024-2025


Stephanie Wall| Parents Club President

The Parents Club General Membership consists of all school parents and/or guardians. The Executive Board consists of five members who act as representatives of the General Membership and function as a governing body in matters of Club business and is directly responsible to the principal and pastor.

The Parents Club General Membership consists of all school parents and/or guardians. The Executive Board consists of six members who act as representatives of the General Membership and function as a governing body in matters of Club business and is directly responsible to the principal and pastor.

All monthly meetings are open to members of the parish and parents/guardians of children attending St. Luke School. If you would like to contact a Parents Club Leadership for more information or to discuss a school-related issue, please email

By sharing our time, talent, and treasure, we are building a stronger school and community for our children.


Parents Club By-Laws are available here, and you can find us on Facebook here.

Parents Club Members 2023-2024

Stephanie Wall

Titles: Parents Club President, School Commission Member

Kristin Cordova

Titles: Treasurer Apprentice

Lori King

Titles: Parents Club Treasurer

Mildred Medina

Titles: Parents Club Advisor

Nikki Ozaki-Simpson

Titles: Parents Club Secretary